About the Property Managers Association

The PMA was established in 1975 to provide a forum for coordinated action on retailer’s occupancy interests. The membership now extends to over 100 of the UK’s retailers ranging from National multistore retailers to smaller chains. The Executive Committee consists of elected members, supported by several specialist groups and sub-committees.

The PMA remains a significant voice for retailer’s property interests, working with and alongside other key organisations to tackle occupancy issues affecting retail property. Landlord and tenant coordination is one key area of focus, together with maintaining high standards of estate management and ensuring occupancy costs are kept at an affordable level.

The PMA helps provide the forum for retailer’s property teams, via seminars, an annual Conference and other events and groups throughout the year providing the means and opportunity to coordinate actions.


Providing a framework for effective communication between property managers.

Providing CPD for members to keep them abreast of market developments, policy/legislative changes relevant to their roles.

Ensuring members interests are represented at Government/ ministerial level as well as working with other professional bodies on issues relevant to the retail sector.

Working with other property trade associations and professional bodies such as BRC, New Westend Company and REVO.

Why join the PMA?

Join the PMA

Only retailers are eligible for PMA Membership. Cost per year is £300. For more information please contact us using the form below: